Porcelain veneers can fix a variety of cosmetic issues at once. They are a simple solution that can remedy chipped, cracked, and stained teeth. They can even help shrink the gap between far-apart teeth. Whether you are dealing with all of these problems or just one of them, veneers can help. They are similar to dental crowns, but instead of going over the entire tooth, they are attached to the front, allowing more of your natural tooth to remain intact.
How We Make Them
A great benefit of veneers is that they fit seamlessly in your mouth. They are made from durable, biocompatible porcelain that strongly resembles your natural teeth. Each one is crafted precisely to your specific needs so they fit well and are even color matched, so they are indistinguishable from your existing teeth. Once all of your measurements are taken, we will carefully remove a small amount of enamel from your teeth and attach the veneer with a strong, long-lasting bonding agent.
A Multi-Purpose Solution
As mentioned above, veneers can solve several cosmetic issues. In addition to providing a more uniform smile, they also work well as an alternative to teeth whitening. While professional whitening does a great job removing surface-level stains, it cannot always get rid of stains that reside deeper in your enamel. Veneers, on the other hand, can entirely mask discoloration. Because they are made from porcelain designed to resemble your existing teeth, you will need to brush and floss regularly and continue seeing us every six months for checkups and cleanings.
Schedule An Appointment To Learn More About Veneers
If you have questions about the ways we can refresh your smile with porcelain veneers, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us today. Call Alba Dental Care in El Paso, TX, at (915) 286-ALBA (2522). We also serve the Horizon community.